Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Trews

We always love to see The Trews!  They are from Nova Scotia and they really exude that East Coast feeling while they are on stage.  They always have smiles on their faces and look like they are having so much fun.  They are so in-sync with eachother with the vocals and back-up vocals.  The sound carries through the air perfectly when it is an open air show. 

They played ‘Hold Me In Your Arms’, ‘Tired of Waiting’, Paranoid Freak’, ‘Not Ready To Go’ and ‘Hope and Ruin’.  Before they came up for the encore, they called up a guy from the audience.  The guy came up to the stage and asked his girlfriend to come up as well.  He explained that a Trews show was their first date and got down on his knee and proposed to her.  She said yes.  The Trews played ‘Stay With Me’ and dedicated the love song to them.  They finished with our favorite song 'Fleeting Trust'.  The Trews are on of our favorite bands to see live!


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Kiss for Canada Day

Kiss played Fort McMurray, AB at Macdonald Island Park on July 2nd for their Canada Rocks Festival!  It was the only Alberta date for this tour, and resulted from the thousands of fans requesting or "demanding" that Kiss play Fort McMurray.  The show started with an amazing introduction video of their infamous 7 inch boots coming towards the stage, as the Larger than Life characters prepared to rock the crowd.  We have seen Kiss several times.  Even though this was an outdoor show, Kiss seemed to go all out with more fire, pyro, lights, and fireworks than usual.  There were also jumbo screens to ensure the 10,000+  fans in attendance didn't miss a thing.  Even with an over-zealous general admission crowd, we lucked out and managed to secure spots in the front row.

Kiss Set List:

Modern Day Delilah
Cold Gin
Let Me Go Rock N Roll
Say Yeah
Do You Love Me
Calling Dr. Love
Shock Me
Tommy Solo (where Tommy shot fireworks out of his guitar).

Eric shot out fireworks out of a cannon at the end of Tommy's solo.

The Demon spitting blood.

God of Thunder
Love Gun
I Love It Loud
100,000 Years
Black Diamond
Detroit Rock City


Beth (performed by Eric with the band behind him on guitars)
Lick It Up
Shout It Out Loud
Rock And Roll All Night

Towards the end of the encore Gene and Tommy were escalated on risers approximately 30 feet in the air while playing.  As they came down; Paul shattered his guitar and gave it out to the audience. 

There were mass amounts of confetti shot out to the audience once 'Rock And Roll All Night' started, and the crowd went wild! We had confetti everywhere it seemed there was way more of the white shredded tissue-like paper than usual! We feel sorry for whoever is responsible for cleaning up that mess!!! As at most Kiss shows, many of those in attendance wore make-up like Paul and Gene.  What an incredible way to wrap-up a Canada Day weekend! 


New York Dolls, Poison, and Motley Crue in Las Vegas

We saw the legendary New York Dolls, Poison, and Motley Crue in Las Vegas on June 18 at the Red Rock Amphitheatre.

The New York Dolls came on at 7:00 just as people were just starting to enter the Amphitheatre.  David Johansen and Sylvain Sylvain were as energetic as ever!  We have seen them before; but it was spectacular to see them in this sort of setting with a large crowd.  It seemed strange that they are the band that started glam, and they were opening up for bands that (influenced by the New York Dolls), continued and perfected it a decade later.

They performed all of our favorite songs, as well as some newer ones from 'Dancing Backwards in High Heels' and 'Cuz I Sez So'. 

New York Dolls set-list:

Personality Crisis
We're All In Love
'Cause I Sez So
Talk To Me, Baby
Fabulous Rant
I'm So Fabulous
Kids Like You
Dance Like a Monkey
Jet Boy

At first we were shocked to hear that Motley Crue and Poison would even be touring together given their tumultuous history, but we are elated they did!

The show started at 8:00 pm with Bret storming onto the 'Poison green' stage above the drum riser and in an instant, everyone was on their feet! The only difference was this time the stage was adorned with wording celebrating Poison's 25th Anniversary. Poison is always highly entertaining & energetic and love to dazzle the crowd with pyro and fireworks.

Poison set-list:

Look What The Cat Dragged In
Ride The Wind
We’re An American Band
Your Mama Don’t Dance
CC Guitar Solo

Fallen Angel
Unskinny Bop
Rikki Drum Solo

Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Talk Dirty To Me
Nothin’ But A Good Time

Motley Crue took the stage at 9:30, and the show started with a mass exposion of pyro!  It is always fun to see Vince Neil at a 'home show' playing to his friends in Vegas.  Crue entertained us with a set-list ranging from old to new hits and crowd favorites. We know we will never leave a Motley Crue show having heard all of the songs that we'd hoped to hear, only because there are far too many.

Vince's voice sounded awesome,  Mick was moving around the stage and (looked healthier than we'd seen him in years), Tommy played drums in 360 (rollercoaster-like loop) and played piano for 'Home Sweet Home', and Nikki, as always, was the spokesperson for the band - led the crowd in a prayer (praying that the band stays together many more years) and threw blood out on the crowd at the end of the show. 

Every year, every show, they never cease to amaze us by coming up with something new and totally different.  This is why they are one of our favorite bands of all time and we'll never get bored of seeing their shows! 

Motley Crue set-list:

Saints Of Los Angeles
Live Wire
Shout At The Devil
Same Ol’ Situation
Primal Scream
Home Sweet Home
Don’t Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)
Drum Solo (where Tommy Lee drummed in his 360 degree roller-coaster).

Looks That Kill
Dr. Feelgood
Too Young To Fall In Love
Too Fast for Love
Girls Girls Girls
Smokin In The Boys Room
Kickstart My Heart

Motley Crue are the 4th Annual Sunset Strip Music Festival 2011 Honoree's August 18-20.

Vince Neil will also be honored August 21 at the Hilton for the Vegas Rocks! Magazine Lifetime Achievement in Rock 'N' Roll.

We also went to see our favorite Las Vegas based band the Sin City Sinners after the show at Chrome at Santa Fe Station.  Check them out if you are in Las Vegas!